Past Events & News
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Volunteers Distribute Christmas Hampers - see photos here
Huntswood Golf Course donate to Headway South Bucks
A huge thank you to Rowan and Ken Revel, Captains of Huntswood Golf Course. As Ladies and Gentlemen Captains, they both nominated HSB as their Captain’s charities. The photo shows Headway Trustee Steve Gasper accepting the cheque from Rowan and Ken.
Sharon August Update - view Photos here:
Miles walked:
Week 1 – 37.77 miles - Marathon completed
Week 2 – 29.23 miles - Marathon completed
Week 3 – 29.71 miles - Marathon completed
Week 4 – 34.92 miles - Marathon completed
My progress:
Well I have to admit I am getting more and more addicted to the walking as each week passes. I am amazed at how many beautiful walks there are available from my own front door. I enjoy the fresh air and getting away from the house. Some of my walking is just around the local roads but my addiction is with the fields and footpaths. I have discovered I can walk to Old Amersham from my house, a distance of 5 miles, across fields and woods, it’s beautiful. When I discover new footpath signs I just want to follow them and see where I end up!
I admit this month has been interesting on the weather front. I have walked in 30 degree heat some days and wind and rain on others.
I’ve walked alone, with friends and often with my daughters. I’m amazed how supportive they have been. The highlights this month have to be the Alpacas. I can now walk from home to the Alpaca farm (these are the ones that came to visit us at Headway) I have met lots of other animals on my walks as you can see from the photos. I think my new found interest in walking could lead to a new interest in photography too. I love taking photos of the beautiful countryside although currently I don’t think my photographs do it justice! But see what you think here.
Finally rest assured I won’t be missed in the woods as I now have a collection of very colourful walking outfits!! More of these next month!
Donate to Sharon's Walk Challenge here
A little walking required.......Sharon writes:
As many of you know having spoken to me I have been enjoying the last few months with the help of a never ending selection of home baked cakes!!
Hence the fitness and weight levels are not so good. Working from home doesn't help the activity level either so I decided I needed to force myself to get out and walk. The best way to do this is to have a challenge.
I heard about a Headway challenge called Brighter Future Challenge and decided to adapt it to raise funds for Headway South Bucks.
Orginally (as per our August newsletter) I said I was going to walk the equivalent of a marathon, 26.2 miles a month. I have decided though this isn't enough of a challenge. I have now decided I am going to walk the equivalent of a marathon each week for 3 months over August, September and October. So I will be walking a total of 13 marathons, just over 340 miles. Let's hope 13 isn't an unlucky number for me!
Any sponsorship would be wonderful whether it is per marathon or just a one off donation.
I will be posting regular updates and photos of how I am getting on.
New Table Tennis at our Resource Centre - February 2020
Thanks to the generosity of legal firm Barnett-Waddingham of Amersham funding equipment, Headway clients are now able to enjoy Table Tennis at our Resource Centre. Sport of any kind helps our clients and we are extremely grateful for this donation.